Syntax-highlighting for Processsing code (022; 01.10.2009; processing)
Brush for Processing language: shBrushProcessing.js.
Add at the end of style (shThemeDefault.css) this lines:
.syntaxhighlighter .color4, .syntaxhighlighter .color4 a { color: #006699 !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .color5, .syntaxhighlighter .color5 a { color: #CC6600 !important; }
Remember to add this line at website source:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/shBrushProcessing.js"></script>
Brush aliases: Processing, processing.
Simple presentation:
import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; int X=40; int Y; void setup() { myPort = new Serial(this,"COM4", 9600); size(580, 316); background(200); stroke(0); rect(40,30,500,255); //comment PFont font; font = loadFont("ArialMT-16.vlw"); textFont(font); fill(0); text("5V",18,37); text("0V",18,292); } void draw() { if (myPort.available() > 0) { Y = int(; stroke(255,0,0); }
Note: I changed default Processing1.0.6 comments color from gray to green.