Burster plugin (025; 31.10.2010; blender)
Burster project just started! Burster plugin gives an opportunity to put 3D content at website. Burster allows Blender's users to publish their 3D games, presentation and visualization as simple as photos and videos!
Burster is a child of my work for iTechnologie, Ltd. Burster Plugin gives you opportunity to run Blender files direct from website - on both Windows and Linux platform, in browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera... Blender users (especially Blender Game Engine fans) should just say 'Burster is missing link between Blender Game Engine and popularity!'. From today, it is possible to embed at websites 3D games, simulations, visualizations and interactive presentations using Blender and Burster.
How Burster plugin works?
Burster plugin was written with NPAPI (for Firefox, Chrome, Opera...) and ActiveX (Internet Explorer) architecture. Plugin runs Blender files (*.blend) at browser window with special modified version of blenderplayer. Most of Burster code is developed under GNU GPL license so feel free to enjoy OpenGL graphics at websites.
How to use Burster plugin?
First you need to instal plugin direct from project homepage: geta3d.com (for Windows platform we created simple and fast installer, for Linux you need to make simple manual installation). You can test Burster using my examples (click above images):
<OBJECT classid="CLSID:8318DE8B-B213-426b-B1B6-0A2589859898" width="600" height="450" codebase="http://geta3d.com/geta3d/install/setup.msi"> <PARAM name="type" value="application/x-burster"/> <PARAM name="src" value="test.blend"/> <embed type="application/x-burster" src="test.blend" width="600" height="450" pluginspage="http://geta3d.com/"> </embed> </OBJECT>
You can also change your plugins window colors to match your web style:
<OBJECT classid="CLSID:8318DE8B-B213-426b-B1B6-0A2589859898" width="600" height="450" codebase="http://geta3d.com/geta3d/install/setup.msi"> <PARAM name="type" value="application/x-burster"/> <PARAM name="src" value="test.blend"/> <PARAM name="pluginbg" value="#FF2233"/> <PARAM name="progressbg" value="#4455EF"/> <PARAM name="progressfill" value="#FBFF00"/> <embed type="application/x-burster" src="test.blend" width="600" height="450" pluginspage="http://geta3d.com/" pluginbg="#FF2233" progressbg="#4455EF" progressfill="#FBFF00"> </embed> </OBJECT>
What else give us geta3d.com platform?
Certainly many of you like to show you games made with Blender, but from another site you doesn't want to show it's source code. Luckily Burster has file protection system! After registering at geta3d.com you could buy special certificate and encode your file before publication. you could also try free test certificate! Above you can run two encoded files:
Questions, bugs - visit Burster on Facebook or write to me burster@myinventions.pl.