Arduino to Blender (010; 28.07.2009; arduino, blender)
Arduino to Blender 1.0 from MyInventions on Vimeo.
Blender 2.49a (
Python 2.6.2 (
pywin32-214 (pywin32-214.win32-py2.6.exe;
pySerial 2.4 (pyserial-2.4.win32.exe ;
Pythona 2.6.2 is required for Blender 2.49a. Pywin32 library incerease Python options for Windows. PySerial library let us Serial communication.
Reciving informations from serial port in Blender.
import serial serialport = serial.Serial('COM4', 9600) for i in range(1, 20): x = y = ord(x) print "y=", y else: serialport.close()
Put it in Blender Text Editor. Run this script with alt+p or menu Text/Run Python Script.
Download: SerialTest.blend
Edit Blender object with script.
Translate and rotate object with serial port:
import serial import Blender serialport = serial.Serial('COM4', 9600) ob = Blender.Object.Get ('Cube') Blender.Window.WaitCursor(1) for i in range(1, 100): x = y = 0.01*ord(x) #print "y=", y ob.setLocation(0,2*y,2.55) ob.setEuler(0,0,y) ob.setSize(0.5+y,0.5+y,0.01+y) Blender.Redraw() else: serialport.close() Blender.Window.WaitCursor(0)
30Hz data rate is good and maximum is 65Hz.
Serial communication in Blender Game Engine. source:
import serial import GameLogic ser = serial.Serial('COM4', 9600) contr = GameLogic.getCurrentController() location=contr.actuators["loc"] x = y = 0.010*(ord(x)-128) print "y=", y location.dLoc=[y,0,0] contr.activate(location) ser.close()
You could code Arduino to send max. 2Hz data - this script restart Arduino every time starts.
Communication with text-file.
1. Code Arduino with data rate 25Hz:
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { Serial.print(analogRead(0)/4, BYTE); delay(40); }
2. Generate text file dane.txt and python script
import serial port = serial.Serial('COM4', 9600) for i in range(0, 10): dane=open('dane.txt', 'r+b') x = print x dane.write(x) dane.close() port.close()
Test it.
3. Generate new Blender scene. For object put sensor Always, controller Python and actuator Motion. For sensor switch Pulse Mode - True Level Triggering with f:3. for controller:
import GameLogic dane=open('dane.txt', 'rb') dane.close() print x contr = GameLogic.getCurrentController() location=contr.actuators["loc"] y = 0.001*(ord(x)-128) location.dLoc=[y,0,0] contr.activate(location)
4. Put dane.txt, and Blender scene in common folder.
Source files:, SerialBGE2.blend
Think about sending data with high frequency (for example: using Com0com virtual serial port pair emulator) and sending more than 8bits characters.
Pythona for Blender2.49 documentation:
PySerial documentation:
Pywin32 site:
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